IU Executive Education consulting services is led by Executive Education Director John Courtney. A dozen of the more than 30 Executive Education faculty make up the consulting team. Consulting faculty are experienced practitioners with many years of real-world experience prior to coming to the Indiana University team. Faculty are available to provide consultation across the United States and in some international locations and provide consultation both onsite and remotely, as desired by the client.
Customized programs developed for your needs
Areas of consultation
IU Executive Education faculty advise on board structure and effective board practices, and facilitate learning experiences leading to effective governance in nonprofit organizations. These services enable board members to govern more effectively.
Organizational Assessments
Executive Education faculty are available to review people and processes within organizations and make recommendations for structure and process changes. Recommendations are focused on enhancing accountability, collaboration, and other means of achieving organizational effectiveness.
Executive and Leadership Development
Consulting faculty are trained to administer multiple individual assessments and work with organizations and individuals to understand assessment results and the impact those results may have on team and organizational effectiveness. Faculty facilitate offsite retreats throughout the country to enhance team building and team dynamics.
Strategic Planning
IU Executive Education faculty are experienced practitioners who have both created and advised on strategic plans. Consulting faculty are available for both long-term and short-term consultation on strategic planning efforts. In addition to the planning process, faculty are available to support and monitor plan implementation.