Community Engagement

Record-breaking numbers in 2015–16

60,367hours of engagement

828participating students

126community partners

Jessica Davis, winner of the William M. Plater Civic Engagement Medallion

Growing up, my family didn’t have a lot of money, and at times this was a significant challenge for us. Community service was at first a way for me to explore. My first alternative break was in Washington D.C. From there, service became a way for me to get involved and connect with my community.

Jessica Davis, MPA’17, winner of the William M. Plater Civic Engagement Medallion

Consistently recognized as leaders in community engagement

Each year IUPUI honors 50 graduates with the William M. Plater Civic Engagement Medallion. The annual award is given to students who have excelled in their commitment to the community. O’Neill graduates routinely win the award, including six graduates in 2017.

Read more about O'Neill School community engagement
William M. Plater Civic Engagement Medallion

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