O'Neill Indianapolis: By the numbers
Undergraduate student demographics
701Student population
31%Persons of color
16%21st Century Scholars
Top-ranked graduate education
#39MPA ranking out of 271 schools
#2Nonprofit Management
#12Environmental Policy & Management
#16Urban Policy
#20Local Government Management

Faculty who are committed to our community
82%have worked on a collaborative research project with a community partner in the past 3 years
73%have participated on a community board or committee in the past three years
30%spend class time on community engagement and service learning
35%spend class time on community-based research
Indianapolis. Your classroom. Your playground.
#1Readers' Choice Awards for Best Convention City, USA Today
#22The 30 Hottest Food Cities of 2017, Zagat
#17America's Favorite Cities 2016, Travel and Leisure
IU Indianapolis: An urban serving university
9,737students enrolled in community-based courses
875Community partners engaging with courses
1,106,713hours students engaged with the community through courses
1,224community-based courses