If the process of protecting the public fascinates you, the Public Safety Management major will give you a well-rounded understanding of public safety theory and the skills and services used to save lives. As part of your coursework, you’ll study a wide range of topics: administration of emergency services, principles of public safety, the art of decision-making, terrorism, financial management, GIS techniques, public policy, and much more.
You’ll learn from faculty who are studying criminal justice issues relevant to the field of public safety—such as police body-worn cameras—and who have the real-world experience to match. The Public Safety Management major is part of the B.S.C.J. degree.
Make a difference by protecting your community
Description of the video:
“I'm Jennifer Esterline. I'm currently the director of safety and security for the Indiana State Fairgrounds and Event Center. I applied for the internship at the Indiana State Fair as part of my O'Neill program. I was hired about a month into my internship. I was part of rebuilding the safety and security program at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in 2012 after the stage accident and got to do a lot of work with revamping what they had to make it better. We've been able to share what we've learned with events around the country and really around the world. Because what we went through after the stage accident really changed the outdoor event industry. I've been hiring interns for the last nine years. And I would say over 85 to 90% of those are O'Neill students. When we're interviewing interns, we ask a lot of technical questions about public safety and emergencies. And that's where the O'Neill students really shine. When we look at their resumes. They're more involved. They have a well-rounded experience but also a very practical education. And that really sets them apart from other interns that we work with. We're one of the only paid internships in public safety, but that's because we take it very seriously. And for our interns, this is a job. It's not a shadow us and follow us around kind of internship. They're learning dispatch, they're learning hazard assessments, they're learning how to write incident reports, the customer service and guest experience how all that relates back to public safety. They're getting real hands-on experience, that they can translate to any career in public safety.”
Find out more about the Public Safety Management major
Credit for fire training
The O’Neill School partner’s with 18 local fire departments to help full-time firefighters easily earn credit in any of our undergraduate degree programs. Full-time firegfighters who are trained and employed by the following eligible departments can apply nine fire training undergraduate credit hours. To be eligible, you must be admited to IU Indianapolis and must have completed at least 12 IU credits with a 2.0 GPA.
- Avon
- Beech Grove
- Brownsburg
- Carmel
- City of Franklin
- City of Lawrence
- Decatur Township
- Fishers
- Franklin Township
- Indianapolis
- Lawrence Township
- Noblesville
- Perry Township
- Pike Township
- Speedway
- Warren Township
- Washington Township
- Wayne Township
- Westfield