Graduate Degrees

Enhance your skills with a graduate degree from the O'Neill School

The O’Neill School’s graduate mission is focused on professionalism. Students work with actual clients, not just hypothetical problems, and they actively engage with community partners.

O’Neill graduate degrees and certificates will enhance your skills and prepare you to effectively manage, evaluate, and lead organizations.

Don’t put your career on hold

Graduate course schedules are designed so students can work full time while earning a master’s degree or certificate. 

Federal Academic Alliance Partner

Whether you’re a government employee, spouse, or dependent, we offer transformative opportunities through our partnership with the Federal Academic Alliance to propel your career forward.

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Graduate certificates

Graduate students can use the O’Neill School’s certificate programs to supplement their primary fields of study—taking, for example, the certificate courses as part of a doctoral or master’s degree minor.

Employees of public and private sector agencies seeking graduate-level courses, and especially those changing from professional or technical roles to managerial roles, also find these certificate programs beneficial.

See all graduate certificates