O'Neill School at IUPUI
801 West Michigan Street
BS 3025
Indianapolis, Indiana

John Ottensmann joined the faculty at the O’Neill School at IUPUI in 1978. He works with the Center for Urban Policy and the Environment. His major interest is in urban land use, with particular emphasis on the development of urban simulation models.
- Ph.D., City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- B.A., American Institutions, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Professional Experience
- Consultant, Aerofinity Incorporated
- Consultant, Beam, Longest and Neff
- Consultant, Christopher B. Burke Engineering
- Consultant, Prosser, Hallock, Jacksonville, Florida
- Consultant, R.W. Armstrong
- Consultant, Smart Growth America
- Consultant, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Consultant, Urban Forestry/Global Releaf
- 2007 SPEA IUPUI Outstanding Faculty Award
- Indiana Land Use Consortium, Model of Success Award for Land Use in Central Indiana Model
- Earl Franke Award for contributions to planning, Indiana Planning Association
- Award for Best Paper at Annual Meeting, Urban Affairs Association, 1993 for the paper "Evaluating Equity in Service Delivery for Public Library Branches by Assessing Service Levels, Distance, and Accessibility"
- Phi Beta Kappa
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- "LUCI: Land Use in Central Indiana Model and the relationships of public infrastructure to urban development." Public Works, Management & Policy (2003)
- "Applications of spreadsheet optimization capabilities in teaching planning methods: facility location and spatial interaction." Journal of Planning Education and Research (2000)
- "Market-based exchanges of rights within a system of performance zoning." Planning and Markets (1998)
- "Partially-constrained gravity models for predicting spatial interaction with elastic demand." Environment & Planning (1997)
- "Using geographic information systems to analyze public library utilization." Library Quarterly (1997)