801 W. Michigan Street
BS 4164
Indianapolis, IN
Doug Noonan is a professor at the O’Neill School at IU Indianapolis. His research focuses on a variety of policy and economics issues related to the cultural affairs, urban environments, neighborhood dynamics, and quality-of-life. His research has been sponsored by a variety of organizations (e.g., National Science Foundation, Environmental Protection Agency, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, National Endowment for the Arts) on topics like policy adoption, environmental risks, energy, air quality, spatial modeling, green urban revitalizations, and cultural economics. He joined the O’Neill School in 2013 after spending more than a decade on the faculty at the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech. He is currently the co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Cultural Economics, co-founder and Faculty Director IU Center for Cultural Affairs, and co-director of the Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Lab.
- Ph.D., Public Policy, University of Chicago, 2002
- M.A., Public Policy, University of Chicago, 1999
- B.A., International Studies, University of Washington, 1995
Professional Experience
- Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008–2012
- Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002–2008
- Instructor, Harris School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago, 1998–2002
- Paul H. O'Neill Professor (2021–2024)
- Faculty Director, IU Center for Cultural Affairs (2018–present)
- Co-Principal Investigator, Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Lab, National Endowment for the Arts (2018–22)
- Co-Principal Investigator, “Enhancing Community Resilience to Floods: A Theoretical Framework of Community Participation in Federal Voluntary Programs,” National Science Foundation (2016–18)
- Chair, Urban-Serving Universities section of the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) (2016–present)
- Board member, Association of Cultural Economics International (2014–20) and co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Cultural Economics (2017–present)
- Science Advisory Board, Environmental Justice Technical Panel—U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2012–2016)
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- "Ecolabels, Innovation, and Green Market Transformation," with D. Matisoff. Cambridge University Press (2022)
- “Looking for a Change in Scene: Analyzing the Mobility of Crowdfunding Entrepreneurs,” with S. Breznitz and S. Maqbool. Small Business Economics
- “More than STEM: Spillovers from Higher Education Institution Infrastructure Investments in the Arts,” with J. Woronkowicz and J. Sherrod-Hale. Journal of Technology Transfer
- “A Comparative Analysis of US and EU Regulatory Frameworks of Crowdfunding for the Cultural and Creative Industries,” with E. Lazzaro. International Journal of Cultural Policy
- “In the LEED: Racing to the Top in Environmental Self-Regulation,” with D. Matisoff and M. Flowers. Business Strategy and the Environment (2020)
- “Participation and Non-Participation in FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS) Program: Insights from CRS Coordinators and Floodplain Managers,” with A. Sadiq and J. Tyler. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2020)
- “The Price of Preserving Neighborhoods: The Unequal Impacts of Historic District Designation,” with T. Oba. Economic Development Quarterly (2020)
- “Crowdfunding in a Not-So-Flat World,” with S. Breznitz. Journal of Economic Geography (2020)
- “Active backers, product commercialisation and product quality after a crowdfunding campaign: A comparison between first-time and repeated entrepreneurs,” with V. Butticè. International Small Business Journal (2020)
- “A Review of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Community Rating System Program,” with A. Sadiq, J. Tyler, R. Norton, S. Cunniff, and J. Czajkowski. Natural Hazards Review (2020)
- “Entrepreneurship among Nonprofit Arts Organizations: Substituting between Wage and Flexible Labor,” with J. Woronkowicz and K. LeRoux. Public Administration Review (2019)
- “The Arts, Bohemian Scenes, and Income,” with Y. Arikan, T. Clark, and G. Tolley. Cultural Trends (2019)
- “A Review of Community Flood Risk Management Studies in the United States,” with A. Sadiq and J. Tyler. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2019)
- “Environmental Justice and Green Schools – Assessing Students and Communities’ Access to Green Schools,” with S. Zhao and S. Zhou. Social Science Quarterly (2019)
- “A Review of the Community Flood Risk Management Literature in the United States: Lessons for Improving Community Resilience to Floods,” with A. Sadiq and J. Tyler. Natural Hazards (2019)
- “Community-Scale Flood Risk Management: Effects of a Voluntary National Program on Migration and Development,” with A. Sadiq. Ecological Economics (2019)
- “For What It’s Worth: Evaluating Revealed Preferences for Green Certification,” with D. Matisoff and M. Flowers. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (2019)
- “Heading for the Hills? Effects of Community Flood Management on Local Adaptation to Flood Risks,” with X. Liu. Southern Economic Journal. (2019)
- “Who Goes Freelance? The Determinants of Self-Employment for Artists,” with J. Woronkowicz. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (2019)
- “Planting the Seed to Grow Local Creative Industries: The Impacts of Cultural Districts and Arts Schools on Economic Development,” with S. Breznitz. Environment and Planning A (2018)
- “Flood Risk Management: Exploring the Impacts of the Community Ratings System Program on Poverty and Income Inequality,” with A. Sadiq. Risk Analysis (2018)
- “Economics of Cultural Tourism: Issues and Perspectives,” with I. Rizzo. Journal of Cultural Economics (2017)
- “Green Buildings: Economics and Policies,” with D. C. Matisoff and M. E. Flowers. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (2016)
- “Spatial Regulation of Air Toxics Hot Spots,” with R. M. Turaga and A. Bostrom. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2015)
- “Performance or Marketing Benefits? The Case of LEED Certification,” with D. Matisoff and A. Mazzolini. Environmental Science & Technology (2014)
- “How U.S. Cultural Districts Reshape Neighbourhoods.” Cultural Trends (2013)
- “Making—or Picking—Winners: Evidence of Internal and External Price Effects in Historic Preservation Policies,” with D. J. Krupka. Real Estate Economics (2011)
- “Hot Spots Regulation and Environmental Justice,” with R. M. Turaga and A. Bostrom. Ecological Economics (2011)