801 W. Michigan Street
BS 4158
Indianapolis, IN
Eric Grommon is an applied criminologist who joined the O’Neill School at IU Indianapolis in 2012. In 2023, he was named a Paul H. O'Neill Professor for his dedication to advancing the criminal justice field.
His research interests include corrections, offender reentry, and the rigorous evaluation of justice system programs, policies, and operations. Dr. Grommon is currently conducting research with practitioner partners to examine the integration of risk assessment tools to on justice system operations, the use of co-response teams to manage responses to crisis calls for service, the drivers of probation revocations, and the effect of local nonprofits on gun violence interventions.
His research has been funded by the National Institute of Justice and has been nominated for and included in CrimeSolutions.gov, an evidence-based registry of justice system programs and practices. Previously, Dr. Grommon served as a project manager for grant-funded research and evaluations of reentry initiatives, residence restriction laws, and strategic firearm violence and gang interventions. He has also worked for the state Statistical Analysis Centers of Michigan (Michigan Justice Statistics Center) and Illinois (Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority) to conduct policy relevant research and analysis on justice issues pertinent to state and local government.
- Ph.D., Criminal Justice, Michigan State University, 2010
- M.S., Criminal Justice, Michigan State University, 2005
- B.A., Criminal/Social Justice, Lewis University, 2002
Professional Experience
- Research Specialist, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University, 2010-2011
- Research Associate, Michigan Justice Statistics Center, 2008-2012
- Research and Analysis Assistant, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, 2002-2003
- Principal Investigator, “Academic Partnership between Indianapolis Office of Public Health and Safety and the Center for Criminal Justice Research” City of Indianapolis (2017-2018)
- Co-Principal Investigator, “Evaluation of Indiana Pretrial Risk Assessment Pilot” (with B. Ray) Indiana Judicial Center (2016-2017)
- Co-Principal Investigator, “Technical Operational Evaluation and Demonstration Projects” (with J. Carter) U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice (2013-2015)
- Indiana University Trustees’ Teaching Award (2017)
- SPEA Favorite Criminal Justice Professor Undergraduate Award (2016)
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- “Quantifying the Size of the Contraband Cell Phone Problem: Insights from a Large Rural State Penitentiary.” (with J. Carter, C. Scheer) The Prison Journal (2018)
- “Examining the Correlates of Sex Offender Residence Restriction Violation Rates.” (with J. Rydberg, B. Huebner, B. Pleggenkuhle) Journal of Quantitative Criminology (2017)
- “Desisters in the Making? Exploring the Capacity to Desist during Community Transition among a Small Longitudinal Panel of Releasees.” (with J. Rydberg) Journal of Crime & Justice (2016)
- “Anticipated Stigma and Defensive Individualism during Post-Incarceration Job Searching.” (with B. Ray, J. Rydberg) Sociological Inquiry (2016)
- “Police as Alert Responders? Lessons Learned from Pretrial GPS Supervision of Domestic Violence Defendants.” (with J. Carter) Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice (2016)
- “Access to Recovery and Recidivism among Former Inmates.” (with B. Ray, V. Buchanan, B. Brown, D. Watson) International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (2015)
- “The Effect and Implications of Sex Offender Residency Restrictions: Evidence from a Two State Evaluation.” (with B. Huebner, K. Kras, J. Rydberg, T. Bynum, B. Pleggenkuhle) Criminology & Public Policy (2014)
- “The Effect of Statewide Residency Restrictions on Sex Offender Post-Release Housing Mobility.” (with J. Rydberg, B. Huebner, T. Bynum) Justice Quarterly (2014)
- “A Randomized Trial of a Multimodal Community-Based Prisoner Reentry Program Emphasizing Substance Abuse Treatment.” (with W. Davidson, T. Bynum) Journal of Offender Rehabilitation (2013)
- “Alternative Models of Instant Drug Testing: Evidence from an Experimental Trial.” (with S. Cox, W. Davidson, T. Bynum) Journal of Experimental Criminology (2013)